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The Covert Comic

Weekly Intelligence Briefing



(Note: Cleared readers only, please.)

Whenever God closes one AA-D-600D-approved Class 5-V vault door, I can neither confirm nor deny that he opens another.

● A ‘My Eyes Are Up Here’ T-shirt, but it’s got a picture of an orbiting reconnaissance satellite.

● Alternatively, you can dance like everyone’s watching, and you’re getting paid by the laugh.

● It’s said that no amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat. Although besides eating and sleeping, how much does a cat really need to remember?

● The universe is 9% helium. We're all talking in a squeaky voice all the time. 

Executive Intelligence Summary

If the tail wags the dog, is the dog any less happy?




The Covert Comic. Night-vision goggles for a dark age.

● The fact that I’m an expert in international relations doesn’t mean I’ll do it with just any country.

● “If you don’t understand my silence, how will you understand my words?” I said to her.

你在用英语保持沉默吗?” she replied.

● Sometimes, getting thrown under the bus is safer than riding in it.

Why not simply make the smartphone housing out of rice in the first place???

PostTopSecret of the Week

– From PostTopSecret





It’s funny the first couple of times, but when you’re a counterterrorism officer, photobombing photos of bombings gets old after a while.

● US presidents have always been hard-on the CIA.

● I’ve been working on a one-person show. So far I’m up to nearly 2/3 of a person.

● If evil has a name, I bet it’s a name like Debbie. Because no one ever suspects a Debbie.

● That’s not a red-eyed blue-necked purple-billed wigeon, it’s a red-eyed blue-necked purpled-billed middle manager.

Executive Intelligence Summary

When life gives you a summons, make summonade!


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