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The Covert Comic

Weekly Intelligence Briefing



(Note: Cleared readers only, please.)

A conspiracy implies conspirators. Conspirators imply meetings. Meetings imply coffee and donuts. Follow the caffeine and pastry, people.

● As I dove, did a shoulder roll, and high-crawled to the safety of an adjacent alleyway, I knew for certain: that thermonuclear missile had been meant for me. Ops report

● “Reath Ro Ramerica! Reath Ro Risrael!” – Dog in Iran rescued 47 hours after earthquake

● “Im not a robot” I click robotically.

● If this bed of mine told everything it knew, it would mostly talk about temperature control, motion isolation and lumbar support.

Executive Intelligence Summary

No phoenix without ashes. No ashes without fire. No fire with Smokey the Bear.




A spy without vices is like a pie without spices.

● If access to classified intelligence is an aphrodisiac of power, actually reading the stuff is chemical castration.

● Ideal serving temperature for wine? Anywhere between hypothermia and heat stroke works for me.

● When interacting with voice AI, speak clearly and avoid sounding hesitant or nervous, as voice AI can sense fear.

An ‘in-this-economy’ post? In this economy???

Executive Intelligence Summary

If the first wealth is health, the first health is stealth.




The wages of secrecy are corruption – with secrecy matching up to 4% of the corruption you contribute to your individual retirement account.

● I’m not a spy in the house of love – I’m a floater.

● Your true friendliness is inversely proportional to the number of consecutive friend requests you send someone on Facebook.

● I fact-check fun facts. But I’m a fun fun fact fact-checker.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a picture of them saying this requires a caption.

Executive Intelligence Summary

On the doors between things known and things unknown, are the screens sliding or retractable?


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